Welcome Letter from
Executive Director, Keisha Butler
Welcome to SWMOCAA. Thanks for stopping by. We have tried to make our site as user-friendly as possible so that you can get the assistance you need.
SWMOCAA, also known as Southwest Mississippi Opportunity Community Action Agency, was established as a private, non-profit community service organization.
We equip disadvantaged citizens with the tools and potential for becoming self-sufficient by offering programs and services that (l) prioritize prevention; (2) address the causes of poverty; (3) involve the community; (4) improve the community, and (5) create opportunity for eligible residents in our 5 county service area.
Our work is not easy, and the demand is always shifting and changing. However, our response to clients is flexible, coordinated, and directed to long-term client development.
Our dedicated and experienced staff promotes self-sufficiency, not dependency.
Our programs and services are coordinated, enhanced, and offered to the community to:
1. Support the poor facing crises - Homeless shelter, utility deposits, eviction prevention, food panfry, energy crisis assistance, emergency clothing & service. (LIHEAP, CSBG, FDCH, CSFP)
2. Strengthen the whole family - Comprehensive family development support, community gardens, weatherization assistance, energy assistance, rental/mortgage assistance, nutrition education and assistance. (LIHEAP, CSBG, FDCH, CSFP)
3. Strengthen the community - Support for dialogue and planning among all sectors of the community, support for groups working on neighborhood improvements, support for groups working on homeless prevention. (CSBG)
So, again thank you for logging on to our site. After surfing through the various pages, if you find that we can be of any assistance to you, a family member, a friend, or even someone that you know, please contact us at the information provided, and we will be happy to assist them.